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A Shift In Thinking Is All It Takes.


Imagine a world where everyone took responsibility for their actions? Every day people did random acts of kindness though out the day. A planet that held the ability to communicate articulately with the highest regard and to understand each feeling we have in order to understand ourselves better. We would hold ourselves accountable for what we created around us and make changes for better outcomes. To clarify what I just said; choose our net work of friends wisely, build our self-esteem and become our own best friend and parent, set goals, know that we deserve respect and to give respect in return. We all have the ability to say I’m sorry or I did not mean to hurt you. All of us need to own you wrong doings and harsh reactions. We have the ability to act instead of react. I truly believe that this is what we all need to focus on and become experts at or the world around us will continue to get worse.

How many people do you think realize that every time they think negative thoughts such as; I’ll never find this or I’m not good enough for that or I’ll never have enough to get that, see that those thoughts become there reality because that is what they believe they deserve with extreme passion. Why not change those thoughts to, I am strong, I am powerful, I am totally capable of healing myself. I am beautiful, I am perfect. I have endless ideas that will bring money to me effortlessly and my bank account continues to grow. My job/career is not my only source of income and I am infinitely creative.  I guess to most it’s much more comfortable to think negatively, why, because we are programmed negatively and it is time to make a shift in our thinking and use more of our brains change comes from within and the thoughts we think.

I sit here scratching my head, (not really) wondering why all these years why I didn’t realize how capable I was to shift my thinking. I actually do know why, a mentally ill mother who I felt responsibly for. I saw it to the end and feel wonderful about my decision and forgive my family. Now my life is free to be everything I dreamed of…I am free, open to all possibilities. I choose my thoughts. I choose how I react. I choose to make this a wonderful day. I choose to be kind and loving to those around me. It is a choice for all of us and it is up to us to realize the power behind choice and choosing. I’ve been paying close attention to the thoughts that I think, how I respond and how not to buy into other peoples projections. My family thought me a very good lesson as all of our families did. It is much easier to excuse yourself and walk away from a person screaming at you. It is also very important to ask yourself why you choice to stay a victim or stay in a relationship that is not working…

I’m working on changing the way that I think and the words that I use everyday. I highly recommend a DVD and audio version of the “Secret”, by, Rhonda Byrne, for everyone to watch every day for at least a month. I mean really listen. Make a vision board of all the things that you want to happen in your life. The home you want to live in. What your surroundings would be. The relationships you want. Become the athlete and artist. It is effortless if you trust that all the answers are inside and the ones that you don’t know ask for them. Thinking thoughts that are positive and realizing that the only thing that limits us is our thoughts. We can have everything we desire if we are willing to do the foot work and not project that it will be hard, because it doesn’t have to be, we make it hard.

I have been in bodywork, healing and working on myself for 24 years and I mean really working on myself to heal.  I truly believe the only way to be happy is to deal with the garbage that we ruminate on in our heads. Heal our childhood wounds and truly get to know who we are and understand why we react to the things we do. We must do this work in order to become whole before we can truly be content and at peace with ourselves. Then we can do the work we love because it will come from pure hearts.  When the work is done we know longer even talk about it. The pain is gone and it is for none of us to judge another’s healing time unless you have walked in there shoes. I know very few that have that deep compassion most judge, only the wounded healers understand for the most part.

I worked at over 1000 bodies easily since 1994 and I see a lot of commonalities. Most people come to you as a last resort; I’m hoping that will change. They go to doctors and are given muscle relaxers or sent to physical therapy and months later there at the same spot, in pain.

I am hoping that after repeating the same thing over and over again and getting the same results people realize that is the definition of insanity. I’m hoping people come to me first and we can resolve the issue and I can give educated suggestions on how to not have this issue happen again. Most people do not the importance of drinking at the least 2 Liters of water a day, that is what I drink weighing 120 pounds at 5’5’’. You should also be in taking your body weight in protein, so in other words I should to grow more muscle eat 120 grams of protein a day. We need 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of weight. I also see people going 90 miles an hour and that includes me. One of the best changes that I made my life was taking The Art of Living and no, this is not a religious cult. It is by far one of the finest breathing and meditation courses from India. I know Meditate and Prana Breath almost every day for 45 minutes. The results for many people that I know have taken the course was their anxiety disappeared, they went off high blood pressure medication, their stress level decreased by more than half and they had a way to remove stress completely from their bodies. What makes me laugh is I would pay for the information above and I wonder how many people will even Google The Art of Living. The great thing is I know that my clients and my friends that have gone and taken a course can thank me enough. I have to understand they were already to get better and to find tools to help them do so.

My hope for you and myself is that we all continue to grow, heal and help to heal this planet. That we remember that every animal on this planet deserves respect and love, I’m not just talking about our pets, I am talking about how farm animals are treated and how we can take a stand and speak up by our meat intake. This is not only for the animals, although it is for me. I think if most of you understood in the amount of God knows what that is injected into these animals you would want to eat them. I will continue to not to fight because fighting just causes more fighting. I will continue to talk to people about eating less meat and watching some videos that show you what is really done to animals in farms, in China and how animals are skinned alive for their fur, so you can look glamorous. I no longer buy leather unless I decide to move to Alaska I really feel no need to wear fur or to mount a head of an animal on my wall. We can all make such a difference; again this is your choice!

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